Training Announcement

We are glad to bring you two of the leading training programmes for practitioners and professionals working on PVE / CVE and De-Radicalisation initiatives in Europe. The training programmes are each 2-days long, and run back-to-back. The first training tackles how to design, implement and use evidence-based evaluations in the field, and the second on designing evidence-based PVE/CVE and De-radicalisation programs, initiatives such as policies and strategies, long-term programmes, short-term actions, and ad hoc interventions.

Apply Today for Two of the Leading Training Programmes in Europe for Practitioners and Experts in PVE/CVE and De-Radicalisation Initiatives offered by the INDEED Project

Training 1

Designing, Implementing and Utilizing Effective Evaluation of PVE/CVE/De-Radicalisation Initiatives (policies and strategies, long-term programmes, short-term actions, and ad hoc interventions).

Training 2

Designing Evidence-Based of PVE/CVE/De-Radicalisation Initiatives (policies and strategies, long-term programmes, short-term actions, and ad hoc interventions).

Training Dates

In 2024 the Combined Training programmes (Training programmes 1 & 2) will be offered two times: once in Bremen, Germany and once in Madrid, Spain. Choose which dates and locations work best for you:

Bremen: 26 – 29.02.2024 (NEW!)

Madrid: 12 – 15.03.2024

The training programmes are full day. Participants will need to arrive the day prior to the start of the training programmes and depart the day after the training programmes are completed.

Who are the Training Programmes For?

Both training programmes are designed for:

  • Practitioners, professionals and experts working in initiatives preventing and countering violent extremism, de-radicalisation, or crime prevention programming, including from law enforcement agencies, local and national government authorities, state and public institutions, civil society and community-based organisations, and other relevant institutions;
  • Professional evaluators in the field of P/CVE and De-radicalisation
  • Academics, Researchers and Analysis in the field of P/CVE and De-radicalisation, particularly those involved in evaluation, research into drivers, causes and dynamics in the field, and/or involved in support to policy-making and development

What will the Training Programmes Cover?

Days 1 & 2

Training 1: Designing, Implementing and Utilizing Effective Evaluation of PVE/CVE/De-Radicalisation Initiatives (policies and strategies, long-term programmes, short-term actions, and ad hoc interventions).

The first training will provide a two-day, practical, hands-on program on how to do evidence-based evaluation in the P/CVE and De-Radicalisation fields. It will address:

  • Why evaluations matters in P/CVE and De-Radicalisation
  • What is evidence-based evaluation
  • The INDEED Evaluation Model
  • Key concepts, principles and definitions
  • Good & Bad Practices in the Field
  • Main Types and Approaches to Evaluation
  • Designing and Planning Evidence-Based Evaluations
  • Methods & Approaches to Data-Analysis
  • Case Studies
  • How to Engage Stakeholders
  • Using Evaluation Results to Improve Practice and Policy

By the end of the training, participants will understand the core principles and practices of evidence-based evaluation, why evaluation is important to the field, how to design and develop evaluations effectively, good and bad practices, approaches and methods, stakeholder engagement, and how to use evaluation results to support improving policy and practice.

Days 3 & 4

Training 2: Designing Evidence-Based of PVE/CVE/De-Radicalisation Initiatives (policies and strategies, long-term programmes, short-term actions, and ad hoc interventions).

The second training will provide a two-day, practical, hands-on programme on how to design initiatives in preventing and countering violent extremism and de-radicalisation that are evidence-based. The training will address?

  • Why Designing PVE/CVE and De-Radicalisation initiatives is important and how to do it well
  • What is meant by ‘evidence-based’ practice and how to do it
  • The INDEED Evaluation Model: Designing with Evidence
  • Lessons from the Field / Lessons from Practice: Good & Bad Practices in Design & Planning in P/CVE and De-Radicalisation
  • Case Studies
  • 5 Steps in Effective Design: Situation & Needs Analysis; Intervention Objectives & Goal Setting; Designing initiatives; Integrating Evaluation into Interventions; Making P/CVE and De-Radicalisation programming ‘fit for purpose’ and ‘fit for need’
  • How to use Theories of Change and Types of Change, Assumptions Mapping and How to improve planning and initiatives

Training of Trainers: Optional 3rd Training to be Certified as a Trainer

Cluj-Napoca (Romania): 22-25 April 2024

Upon successful completion of the two training programmes, participants will also be eligible to apply for the INDEED Train the Trainers programme. Successful graduates of the programme will be certified and able to deliver the INDEED Training programmes in their local, national, European and international contexts. The Train the Trainers programme will include a 4-day in-person training followed by the delivery of training at local or national levels by the participants, in order to receive certification as INDEED Trainers.

Costs & Training Fees

The cost of the training fees and accommodation (where needed) will be covered by the INDEED Project.


Participants will receive Professional Certification upon successful completion of all modules of the training programmes. The Certificates, outlining competencies and areas addressed, will be provided by INDEED. Participants who also complete the Train the Trainers Training will receive an additional certificate as INDEED Trainers.

How to Apply

If you fit the profile for training applicants (please see Who are the Training programmes for? above), we welcome your application. Before you apply, if needed, please ensure you have the permission of your organization or institution to attend. If accepted, you will need to check if you should apply through your employer for an A1-Certificate of permission to work in another EU country.

Please complete the short application including your Profile form below by 22nd December 2023, so that we can conduct the selection process. We aim to review applications and profiles and give applicants a final response by 2nd January 2024. 


The new deadline for the Bremen Training applications is 21st January 2024. The new date by which applicants will be notified of the status of their application is 24th January 2024.


If you are PVE/CVE deradicalisation practitioner with no or very limited experience with evaluation (e.g., you have developed basic feedback forms to monitor your initiative), please APPLY HERE for the training in Bremen on 26-29 February 2024.


If you are already experienced in developing and implementing evaluation measures as part of your PVE/ CVE deradicalisation initiative, please APPLY HERE as an expression of interest in the Train the Trainers Programme which will be held in May 2024 (date TBC) in Romania.