Deliverable 2.1 SMART Hub Roadmap
This deliverable is about mapping out INDEED’s stakeholders, establishing the stakeholders’ engagement framework and building a network of SMART (Stakeholder Multisector Anti-Radicalisation Teams)Hubsthat will form the basis for the interdisciplinaryand participatoryengagement throughout the project.This deliverable develops a guidance for the collection of stakeholders, defining their identification and collection mechanisms. The INDEED project’s stakeholders include key firstline practitionersworking in the field of PVE/CVE and De-radicalisation(Law Enforcement Agencies, prison and probation services,non-governmental organisations (NGOs), civil society organisations (CSOs), social and health services, youth organisations),policymakersincluding local and regional authorities,and education and research sectorthat will form the cornerstone of the SMART Hubs.The deliverable provides a detailed description of establishing a network of SMART Hubs, and framework to involve and engage the SMART Hubs in theINDEED project. D2.1 is to be read as a practical guideline,providing steps and procedures to lead theproject research beyond the lead activities of T2.2 and T2.3.
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