INDEED Designing Evidence-based Practice webinar
4 July 2022 @ 10:00-11:30
4th July 2022, online
9:00-10:30 CEST
INDEED invites stakeholders dealing with PVE/CVE/De-radicalisation to attend the Hands-on webinar on designing evidence-based practices in the form of a comprehensive long-term preventive programme, that will take place on 4th July 2022 from 9:00-10:30 CEST. The webinar will be held in English by Marzena Kordaczuk-Was, INDEED Project Coordinator.
The webinar initiates a series of webinars dedicated to the process of designing a comprehensive long-term preventive programme. Using the example of the educational programme to prevent radicalisation leading to discrimination and hate speech developed and piloted by the Polish Platform for Homeland Security, the step-by-step process of creation will show how, starting from the diagnosis of threat, go through the process of designing a programme based on the theory of change.
The first webinar will briefly show the logical model of the designing process, and the next ones will be devoted in greater detail to the individual steps of the process, i.e. scientific diagnosis of the threat, selection of target groups, formulation of programme goals and indicators measuring its progress, selection of preventive strategies, protective factors and appropriate preventive actions, as well as planning comprehensive evaluation (formative, process and results).
Audience: INDEED Partners and external PVE/CVE/De-radicalisation and crime prevention first-line practitioners and policy makers
All interested can register here by 30th June EOB. The link to the meeting will be sent on Friday, 1st July.