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On 5-7 June 2024, INDEED is invited to the Annual EENeT Conference 2024 in Brussels, Belgium.

The European Expert Network on Terrorism Issues (EENeT) is dedicated to multidisciplinary and multi-agency analysis and research, which are considered prerequisites for providing comprehensive insights into the complexity of the phenomenon “terrorism“. Since the phenomenon is influenced by a large number of factors, holistic phenomenon monitoring presents itself as an extremely complex undertaking, which only appears possible on a multidisciplinary basis, in close cooperation with the specialist departments and experts from the law enforcement agencies / relevant authorities and the field of science. It requires a consolidation of resources and an exchange of experience and knowledge, which, in view of the forms of international terrorism, should also be organised along international lines in particular.

The event will have a large variety of presentations and discussions regarding Radicalisation, Terrorism and Extremism.