Social media cards campaign: Training & Learning Needs

This campaign focuses on disseminating the findings of D5.1, that reflects the work conducted within the scope of T5.1 ‘User-based identification of training/learning needs, tools, requirements and standards for evaluation and design of PVE/CVE/De-radicalisation initiatives’. The central goal is to provide information on the current state of training programmes and tools towards the capacitation of practitioners in the design and evaluation of PVE/CVE/DeRAD initiatives, as well as explore the key requirements and gaps practitioners and policymakers have in these matters. Moreover, another goal is to provide relevant suggestions on how to overcome the identified needs, as well as how to improve the capacitation of practitioners and policymakers in this area through training.

These results stem from a holistic three-fold research approach, including an in-depth desk research review, interviews, and National Level Workshops, and focus on the following topics:

  • Current state of training in designing and evaluating initiatives within the PVE/CVE/DeRAD field
  • Central needs and lacks of practitioners and policymakers in terms of training in designing and evaluating initiatives within the PVE/CVE/DeRAD field
  • Key next steps and recommendations when developing trainings in designing and evaluating PVE/CVE/DeRAD initiatives

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