INDEED E-Guidebooks
The INDEED e-guidebooks are part of the INDEED toolkit for practitioners and policymakers and are designed to provide a good understanding of the evidence-based approach to evaluation and how it can be applied in the field of preventing and countering violent extremism or supporting deradicalisation (PVE/CVE/Derad), and to provide guidance in designing such initiatives. The e-guidebooks are mainly written for the practitioners and policymakers working in this field. They may also be useful for professional evaluators and academics who participate in evaluating such initiatives and want to get more familiar with evidence-based evaluation or conducting evaluations specifically in the PVE/CVE/Derad field.
The main purpose of the INDEED e-guidebooks is to familiarise practitioners and policymakers with the principles and practices of evidence-based evaluation so that they can act as well-informed stakeholders in evaluations and know how to plan and implement PVE/CVE/Derad initiatives so that they can be effectively evaluated. Acting as an evaluator requires more in-depth expertise of evaluation practices, designs and methods than is included in the e-guidebooks. This should be taken into account when deciding who will act as an evaluator.
E-Guidebook 1
The INDEED e-guidebook 1 provides a concise introduction to the fundamentals of evaluation and what an evidence-based approach to evaluation means. It introduces different evaluation types, designs and methods, and provides guidance on when to do evaluations and who should do them. It includes a chapter on ethics and evaluation, as well as numerous examples of previous evaluations of PVE/CVE/Derad initiatives.
E-Guidebook 2
INDEED E-Guidebook 2 goes deeper into how to apply an evidence-based approach to evaluation. It provides guidance for how to build evaluation into the initiative design, as well as step-by-step instructions for designing and implementing an evidence-based evaluation. It also includes further information on how to ensure the evaluation is conducted ethically.