Newsletter #10 In our tenth newsletter, the INDEED project is delighted to invite you to the Final Event and [...]
INDEED Results booklet
Linda Portoghese2024-07-15T16:49:27+02:00INDEED Results booklet The INDEED booklet has been produced to disseminate the project's results and key findings. It contains [...]
Newsletter #9
Linda Portoghese2024-05-20T15:08:42+02:00Newsletter #9 In our ninth newsletter, you will find an invitation to three upcoming INDEED webinars; as well as [...]
Linda Portoghese2024-04-15T09:57:36+02:00INDEED Poster The INDEED Poster has been produced to disseminate the project's results during the European Crime Prevention Conference [...]
Newsletter #8
Linda Portoghese2024-03-25T14:43:56+01:00Newsletter #8 In our eighth newsletter, we invite you to the INDEED Repository Hands-on Webinar happening in April, but [...]
Social media carousel campaign: Tips for a successful evaluation
Linda Portoghese2024-07-15T15:58:27+02:00Social media carousel campaign: Tips for a successful evaluation This campaign aims to disseminate the work of WP3, specifically [...]